All of our classes are by appointment only. If you are interested in joining our group classes, note that we will first need to do an assessment and place your child into the appropriate class. Please go to Start the Process to take the first step for an assessment.
Private Lessons (Various Instruments)
PianoPower™ (Beginner Group Piano)
Holiday Dates
(Lessons Not Billed)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Easter Day
Please refer to our studio policy for canceling lessons in addition to these Holidays.

Private Lesson Instruction
​Our focus of teaching is on the foundational instruments: Piano, Drums, Singing and Guitar for beginning to intermediate levels. We also have expert teachers in other instruments up to advanced levels. Please inquire directly.
Range from $70 per hour depending on the teacher and level of student.
30 minute or 45 minute lesson time blocks will be prorated.
Students will be given a recurring weekly or bi-weekly at the same day and time. Refer to our private lesson policy for rescheduling and make ups. Arrange all scheduling with your teacher directly.​
(Beginner Group Piano Class)
1 Hour Class
Each class has a 4 student maximum capacity
Pricing Packages
$48.75 per class (billed monthly at the beginning of each month)
*Refer to our policy for attendance, cancellations, and make ups.
Scheduled by appointment only. Students must be assessed first to be placed in the appropriate class.
$15 per class
MusicPower™ is a supplemental class for private lesson students. View scheduling, sign up, and manage these classes through your student portal calendar. The suitable classes and levels for your child will be shown on your calendar. All materials are provided.
$12 per class
RhythmPower™ is a supplemental class for private lesson students. View scheduling, sign up, and manage these classes through your student portal calendar. Only the levels appropriate for your child will be shown on your calendar. All materials are provided.
Pricing Package
Unlimited PowerPass™
$88 per month
*MusicPower™ and RhythmPower™ are supplemental group classes. Students must be enrolled in regular private lesson instruction in order to join these classes.
*Refer to our policy for attendance, cancellations, and make ups.
(Students must have one year of piano instruction or be currently enrolled in either private piano lessons or PianoPower™.)
Arrange the coaching sessions directly with your teacher. RockPower™ is available to schedule during the following days and times: Tuesday-Thursday after 6pm, Saturday, Sunday and Monday all day.
Coaching Session Rates
*Weekly or every other week rehearsals
$35 for 1 hour class/per student fee
$60 for 2 hour class/per student fee
Family Band Discount
For siblings and/or parents too
*Flexible scheduling
$25 for 1 hour class/per student fee
$48 for 2 hour class/per student fee
*Refer to our policy for attendance, cancellations, and make ups.